Saturday, 17 November 2012

The Reason for Tasmanian Softies.  We want to prevent the extinction of this iconic Tasmanian mammal.  We donate 10% of all profits to the Save the Tasmanian Devil Fund.  Finding a cure for   the Devil Facial Tumour Disease. 

Next year we want to save $500 to sponsor our very own Tassie Devil :)
Hi from Tassie!  this adorable softie is a Tasmanian Devil and made from felt.                   

He Loves
to travel around Tasmania and can be seen alomost anywhere.  Here are some of the places.   Can you spot the locations???

Here are all of the Tasmanian Softies so far.  Purchase your very own Softie or give as a Christmas Present.  What a great idea.  Each Softie is $23.00 including postage.
Hi to all Friends of Tasmanian Softies.  Thankyou for your photos on our facebook page.

If you would like to purchase your very own softie and post a photo with yourself, your business or any place around Australia.  Please let us know.  How much fun would that be :)

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

We are very happy to report that we have had 100 sales of our cute little Tasmanian Softie this year.
We have celebrated this with a donation to the Save the Tasmanian Devil Fund.  Thankyou to all who have purchased a softie and who treasure our very own unique  real life Tassie Devil :)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Did you know what a baby Platypus is called?

I have only just discovered what a baby Platypus is called.  As I did not go to school in Australia.  I am
finding new little gems of information every day.

The name of a baby platypus is called  " A Puggle"  How cute is that??

Sunday, 26 February 2012

What would you do ?

A GOVERNMENT plan to remove a healthy Tasmanian devil from captivity and release it into the wild is on hold after a Launceston-based devil proponent vowed to fight the move.
Parks department representatives were to collect Shakespeare, the one-year-old devil from Tasmania Zoo yesterday.
It is believed the plan was to release Shakespeare at Rocky Cape, where he was originally found at the side of a road in his dead mother's pouch. Rocky Cape is believed to be free of the devil facial tumour disease.
Resource Management and Conservation branch general manager Alistair Scott said yesterday that the devil would not be moved until a final decision was made.
``DPIPWE is seeking a meeting with Tasmania Zoo to discuss the best outcome for the animal, and the management of all devils by the wildlife facility,'' Mr Scott said.
He said the general aim of the department was to return all orphaned animals to the wild.
Animal carer John Haywood, of Weegena, took Shakespeare to Tasmania Zoo last month, saying he had been frustrated to learn the devil would be returned to the wild. ``Here is an animal that already has a narrow gene pool, and basically needs all the numbers they can get,'' Mr Haywood said.

Monday, 20 February 2012

More Tasmanian Softies

Here we are very busy sewing and creating.  Getting a brand new box of fun ready
to sell at Oatlands Handmade, Oatlands.

In this box you will find "Tassie" the Tasmanian Devil, 
His 3 sisters "Doozie", "Willow" and "Celine"
and now "Ricky" the Tasmanian Tiger (named after Ricky Ponting)

Here we are at Oatlands Handmade, Oatlands.  A georgeous little town close to Hobart and
found off the Midlands Highway.

And what did we find?  3 little mischevious Devils watching the world go by
from the front window.  You can just imagine the conversations.......

Each Tasmanian Devil or Tiger sold we donate 10 % of the Profits to the
Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal

We are very happy to say - we have nearly got enough to send our 1st cheque. 
Just a couple more sales.   :)

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Tasmanian Devils

Think Tasmania has put together this awesome youtube slideshow....

Tasmanian Devil Photos - Baby Tasmanian Devil

Think Tasmania  has compiled a video. 
The Tasmanian Devil photos we publish on Think Tasmania always receive lots of feedback.  So we’ve compiled a video and added a little background music, so you can enjoy a few of them in one go!!

Many of the Tasmanian Devil photos shown in the video were taken by Dan Fellow of Tasmania Photos.  Others were taken during visits to the following Tasmanian wildlife parks…

We threw in a couple of images showing Tassie Devils made by Tasmanian Softies just to see if you were paying attention!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Hi! from Tassie - Burnie

These very unusual creatures have landed on Burnie Foreshore.  They are white, light up at night and change colours.  During the day water spurts out from them in every direction???

Call by and have a look for yourself.  Dont for get the kids.  Great fun to be had by all !!

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Hi! from Tassie - Wynyard

Tassie has been out and about again this weekend.  He visited the Wynyard Cenetaph and look what he found!!!

THE Wynyard cenotaph has two new guards. Silent and regal, they stand either side of the lofty structure.

It was quite a process for the Wynyard RSL sub-branch to secure a 5.5 inch field gun.
In the end, they got their hands on a pair of artillery guns, which were unveiled this week - the first part of a cenotaph upgrade.
Now, the two guns sit in Gutteridge Gardens, concreted in and surrounded by a fence.

Originally the two guns were located in Launceston and transporting them was no easy feat, weighing in at six tonnes.

They arrived at Wynyard last year.

Mr Beynon said the guns were sacred to all ex-artillery men.

The guns' standard projectile was 37kg (82 pounds), but in emergencies they could fire up to 45kg (100 pounds).

"They have a range of 15km,"

"They could hit Burnie from here."

Monday, 9 January 2012

We have found a name.....

Our New Tasmanian Softie... Has been named.  Anne Dunham a freind of Tasmanian Softies has just won the competition.  She has picked the name "Ricky"  after our own home grown famous cricketer Ricky Ponting.  Anne will be receiving her very own "Ricky" in the mail this week.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A New Tasmanian Softie

This is our new Tasmanian Softie. 
Here he is !!! our brand new Tasmanian Softie. He is a Tasmanian Tiger. Otherwise known as a Thylacine This Tasmanian marsupial is one of the most mysterious creatures ever known to Tasmania. Some legends say he can still be seen in the thick deep scrub in the centre of Tasmania.
Why did we pick a Tasmanian Tiger? Because we dont want to forget him. We certainly dont want the Tasmanian Devil to be a memory also. 10% of sales from the Tasmanian Tiger will also go towards the Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal.
Our Tasmanian Tiger - loves health and fitness and and certainly does not want to see our health and fitness disappear into extinction. Our Tasmanian Tiger will be covering all things to do with Sport ♥ Here he is at the New Years Day Sports in Burnie. At the starting line of the 100m sprints.

Tassie Tiger Needs a Name?